Rezeptidee: Vegetarische Bolognese mit Linsen

Recipe idea: Vegetarian Bolognese with lentils

A delicious bolognese pasta never hurt anyone. Here we show you a delicious, vegetarian alternative. Buon appetito!
Die perfekte Trinktemperatur für Heißgetränke - wir klären auf.

The perfect drinking temperature for hot drinks - we'll clarify.

A pleasure for the senses Which type are you? Coffee or tea? Scalding hot or would you rather cool it down a bit? The temperature of a drink not only affects its taste, but also...
Thermosflaschen richtig reinigen: So wird’s wieder sauber!

Clean thermos bottles properly: How to get them clean again!

Thermal containers are not only environmentally friendly and sustainable, but also extremely practical. Because what could be nicer than sipping warm tea or coffee in freezing temperatures, or enjoying your lunch break with a cool...
Rezeptidee: Minestrone

Recipe idea: minestrone

Nothing beats a warming soup after a winter outdoor adventure!
Rezeptidee: Tabouleh

Recipe idea: tabbouleh

Fresh, light and delicious. Tabuleh with couscous or bulgur - whatever you like. Today there are delicacies from the Arabic kitchen.
Die 9 besten Geschenkideen für Camper

The 9 best gift ideas for campers

Making others happy is always nice - no matter what the occasion. Here are some great gift ideas - from campers for campers!
Rezeptidee: Nussige Overnight Oats

Nutty Overnight Oats

For those on the sweet side of life: oatmeal with a fancy topping of your choice. Tasty and easy!
Campen bei Gewitter – so verhältst du dich richtig.

Camping during a thunderstorm – here’s how you act properly.

Thunderstorms can quickly become dangerous. Here you will find the most important rules of conduct in bad weather.
Rezeptidee: Vegane asiatische Nudelpfanne

Tasty, vegan Asian Noodles

Vegan, fast and super tasty: Asian noodles! Great while camping!